How we think - guides how we feel - and our state of being & quality of life follows...

A story of living through hell. Coping, living with the trauma & healing is still a work in progress

Accountability - There can be no forgiveness without cost...

  • Revenge is for God

  • Justice & Punishment are for the courts and legal system (We examine atrocious police behavior) - And horrifyingly wicked 'family' behavior

  • Accountability is for all of us

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say"...

  • Exploring the evil and demonic which I have witnessed and lived firsthand

  • Hopefully help others find solutions to problems they may have

  • Make the most of your - dash

  • Learning from the experience of others can save you a lifetime of heartache & pain...

Transcendence blog at is an invite for anyone to learn from my failings. Maybe save yourself some of that foolishness, heartache & pain?

This life of ours we place such value on is a mere hyphen or dash between two dates. Take a walk through any cemetery and every gravestone will attest to this. At the end of the game the King and the pawn get put back in the same box...

However - Two things we don't escape are death & judgement...

Transcendence @ holds individuals' accountable for their vile and disgusting behavior. As well as insights that may be of assistance to all of us.